Difference Between Full Moon and Autumn Moon Maple

Difference Between Full Moon and Autumn Moon Maple Featured-Image9

Choosing the right tree for your garden can be a complex task, especially when dealing with species as closely related as the Full Moon and Autumn Moon Maple. Both are captivating in their own ways, but understanding the key differences between them can guide your choice to best suit your garden’s specific needs. This article provides an in-depth comparison between the Full Moon Maple and Autumn Moon Maple, offering insight into their unique characteristics, growth habits, and suitable environments.

Full Moon Maple

Full Moon Maple, scientifically known as Acer japonicum, is a species of maple native to Japan. It’s a deciduous, slow-growing tree that typically matures to a size of 10-15 feet, but in its native habitat, it can grow to 30 feet or more. The term “full moon” comes from the shape of its leaves, which are almost round and have 7-11 lobes, giving the appearance of a full moon. Full Moon Maple is often used as an ornamental tree for its brilliant and intense fall colors that range from yellow to orange and red.

Autumn Moon Maple

Autumn Moon Maple is a variant of the Full Moon Maple, named Acer shirasawanum ‘Autumn Moon’. This type is often chosen for its unique leaf coloration. The leaves of the Autumn Moon Maple are slightly smaller than those of the full moon maple and have a distinctive color that is not commonly seen in maples. The new leaves emerge in spring with an orange hue, which transitions to a blend of orange, gold, and pink tones over the summer. In the fall, the leaves transform to a fiery orange or red. Autumn Moon Maple is an excellent choice for adding unique color to a garden or landscape.

Key differences between Full Moon Maple and Autumn Moon Maple

  1. Leaf Color: The Full Moon Maple has green leaves that turn vibrant colors of yellow, orange, and red in the fall. In contrast, Autumn Moon Maple leaves have a unique orange hue that transforms to a blend of orange, gold, and pink over summer, ending in fiery orange or red in the fall.
  2. Sun Tolerance: Autumn Moon Maple tends to have better sun tolerance than the Full Moon Maple. It can handle more direct sunlight without suffering from leaf scorch.
  3. Color Stability: The color of Autumn Moon Maple leaves tends to hold its unique color better throughout the summer, compared to the Full Moon Maple whose leaves remain green before turning into vibrant colors in the fall.
  4. Leaf Shape: While both maples have lobed leaves, the Full Moon Maple typically has more lobes (7-11) compared to the Autumn Moon Maple.
  5. Growth Habit: Full Moon Maples usually grow more upright, while Autumn Moon Maples tend to have a more spreading growth habit.
  6. Hardiness Zones: While both maples have a relatively similar hardiness zone, the Autumn Moon Maple can handle slightly colder temperatures compared to the Full Moon Maple.

Key similarities between Full Moon Maple and Autumn Moon Maple

  1. Deciduous Nature: Both Full Moon and Autumn Moon Maples are deciduous trees, meaning they shed their leaves annually.
  2. Growth Rate: Both species are slow-growing, making them suitable for smaller landscapes or as a focal point in the garden.
  3. Ornamental Value: Both types of maples are highly valued for their ornamental features, particularly their unique and vibrant leaf colors.
  4. Shape of Leaves: Both Full Moon and Autumn Moon Maples have distinctive lobed leaves that are a characteristic feature of these species.
  5. Size: Neither of the maples typically grows very large, with mature heights usually between 10 and 15 feet in a garden setting.
  6. Native Region: Both the Full Moon Maple and the Autumn Moon Maple are native to Japan and are part of the Acer genus.

Pros of Full Moon Maple over Autumn Moon Maple

  1. Fall Color: Full Moon Maple is known for its brilliant and intense fall colors, ranging from yellow to orange and red. These hues are often more vibrant and eye-catching than those of the Autumn Moon Maple.
  2. Leaf Shape: Full Moon Maple typically has more lobes on its leaves (7-11), giving it a distinctive full moon appearance that some gardeners may prefer over the fewer lobes of Autumn Moon Maple leaves.
  3. Growth Habit: Full Moon Maples tend to grow more upright than Autumn Moon Maples, which might be desirable depending on the space or aesthetic preferences of your garden.
  4. Sun Sensitivity: While both maples can handle some direct sunlight, Full Moon Maples might be better suited to shaded or part-shaded areas than Autumn Moon Maples, offering more flexibility in planting location.
  5. Historical Significance: The Full Moon Maple has been cultivated for centuries in Japan, bringing a touch of tradition and historical significance to your garden that is not shared by the relatively newer Autumn Moon Maple.

Cons of Full Moon Maple compared to Autumn Moon Maple

  1. Unique Leaf Color: Autumn Moon Maples have a unique orange hue to their leaves in spring and summer that is not found in Full Moon Maples. If this unique coloration is desirable, it might be viewed as a con for the Full Moon Maple.
  2. Sun Tolerance: Full Moon Maples tend to be more sensitive to sun than Autumn Moon Maples, meaning they may require more careful placement to avoid leaf scorch.
  3. Color Stability: The color of Autumn Moon Maple leaves tends to hold its unique color better throughout the summer, compared to the Full Moon Maple whose leaves remain green before turning into vibrant colors in the fall.
  4. Cold Tolerance: Autumn Moon Maples can handle slightly colder temperatures compared to Full Moon Maples, offering an advantage in areas with harsh winters.
  5. Growth Habit: If a spreading growth habit is preferred, Full Moon Maple might be seen as a disadvantage. Autumn Moon Maples tend to spread more and can provide a wider canopy.

Pros of Autumn Moon Maple over Full Moon Maple

  1. Unique Leaf Color: Autumn Moon Maples stand out with their distinctive orange hue in spring and summer, a coloration not found in Full Moon Maples. This unique feature can add variety to a landscape.
  2. Sun Tolerance: Autumn Moon Maples have better sun tolerance compared to Full Moon Maples. This allows more flexibility in terms of planting locations and can reduce leaf scorch in sunnier locations.
  3. Color Stability: The Autumn Moon Maple maintains its unique color better throughout the summer, providing longer-lasting visual interest compared to the Full Moon Maple, which remains green until fall.
  4. Hardiness: Autumn Moon Maples are hardier and can tolerate slightly colder temperatures than Full Moon Maples. This makes them a better choice for regions with harsh winters.
  5. Growth Habit: The Autumn Moon Maple tends to have a more spreading growth habit, which can be desirable if you’re looking for a tree that provides a wider canopy.

Cons of Autumn Moon Maple compared to Full Moon Maple

  1. Fall Color: While Autumn Moon Maple has unique leaf coloration, it might not compete with the vibrant and intense fall colors of yellow, orange, and red displayed by the Full Moon Maple.
  2. Leaf Shape: The Full Moon Maple typically has more lobes (7-11) on its leaves, giving it a distinct “full moon” appearance that is not as prominent in the Autumn Moon Maple.
  3. Growth Habit: If an upright growth habit is preferred, then the more spreading nature of the Autumn Moon Maple might be seen as a disadvantage.
  4. Shade Tolerance: Full Moon Maples are more shade-tolerant than Autumn Moon Maples, providing more planting options in areas with varying levels of sunlight.
  5. Historical Significance: Full Moon Maple has a rich history of cultivation in Japan, adding a traditional and historical dimension to your garden that is less pronounced with Autumn Moon Maple.

Also Read: Sycamore Tree Leaf vs Maple Leaf

Situations when Full Moon Maple is better than Autumn Moon Maple

  1. Shade-heavy gardens: Full Moon Maples are more shade-tolerant than Autumn Moon Maples, making them a better choice for gardens with less sunlight or more shaded areas.
  2. Pursuit of vibrant fall colors: Full Moon Maple exhibits a range of vibrant fall colors from yellow to orange and red, making it the preferred choice for gardens seeking this spectacular autumn display.
  3. Small Spaces: Given their upright growth habit, Full Moon Maples are better suited for gardens with limited horizontal space or where an upright shape is desired.
  4. Historical or traditional gardens: Given their long history of cultivation in Japan, Full Moon Maples can be an excellent choice for gardens designed with a traditional or historical aesthetic.
  5. Pairing with other plants: The green leaves of the Full Moon Maple in spring and summer can provide a nice contrast to flowering plants or shrubs with different colored foliage, allowing the other plants to stand out.

Situations when Autumn Moon Maple is better than Full Moon Maple

  1. Sunny locations: Autumn Moon Maples have better sun tolerance than Full Moon Maples, making them a superior choice for gardens with lots of direct sunlight.
  2. Unique coloration: If the garden design calls for a unique leaf color during spring and summer, Autumn Moon Maples with their orange and gold hues are the ideal choice.
  3. Wide Spaces: With their spreading growth habit, Autumn Moon Maples are a better fit for gardens with ample horizontal space or where a broader canopy is desired.
  4. Cold climates: If the planting location is subject to very cold winters, the hardier Autumn Moon Maple would be a better choice due to its ability to withstand colder temperatures.
  5. Stand-alone features: The unique coloring of the Autumn Moon Maple makes it an excellent focal point or stand-alone feature in a garden, especially when its unique leaf colors are desired to stand out.

Full Moon vs Autumn Moon Maple Summary

The decision between Full Moon and Autumn Moon Maple will largely depend on the specific conditions and aesthetic preferences of your garden. Each has its own unique qualities, with the Full Moon Maple boasting vibrant fall colors and shade tolerance, and the Autumn Moon Maple offering unique leaf color and sun tolerance. By understanding the differences and similarities between these two maples, you can select the tree that will best enhance your garden and thrive in your specific environment.

AttributesFull Moon MapleAutumn Moon Maple
DifferencesMore lobes on leaves, More vibrant fall colors, More upright growth habit, More shade-tolerant, Has historical significanceUnique orange leaf color in spring/summer, More sun tolerant, Retains color better through summer, Spreads more, More cold tolerant
SimilaritiesBoth are types of Japanese maples, Moderate growth rates, Similar height and spread, Suitable for USDA hardiness zones 5-9, Need well-drained soilBoth are types of Japanese maples, Moderate growth rates, Similar height and spread, Suitable for USDA hardiness zones 5-9, Need well-drained soil
ProsVibrant fall colors, Distinctive leaf shape, More upright growth habit, Shade tolerance, Historical significanceUnique leaf color, Sun tolerance, Color stability throughout summer, Cold tolerance, More spreading growth habit
ConsLess unique leaf color in spring/summer, More sun-sensitive, Less color stability through summer, Less cold tolerance, More upright growth habitLess vibrant fall color, Fewer lobes on leaves, More shade-sensitive, Less upright growth habit, Less historical significance
Better WhenGarden has shaded areas, Vibrant fall color desired, Limited horizontal space, Historical or traditional garden aesthetic, Paired with other flowering plantsGarden has ample sunlight, Unique leaf coloration desired, Ample horizontal space, Very cold winters, Used as stand-alone feature
Full Moon vs Autumn Moon Maple Summary

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